What a Balinese family taught me about safety

adventure anxiety letting go safety

During a recent trip to Bali, I had the opportunity to visit a local family. As I wandered through their compound, I noticed chickens roaming freely, a cow contentedly munching on hay, and a dog confined to a cage.

As a dog owner and lover, I found the sight of the caged dog confronting. The dog appeared healthy, happy, and well-fed (unlike others I've seen in Bali) so I was curious about the cage. When I asked, I was surprised to learn that the dog was kept in the cage for its own safety.

If you've been to Bali, you know that stray dogs are everywhere. The owner clearly loved the dog and feared that if it were allowed to roam freely, it might get run over. The cage, then, was an act of love and protection. But it also kept the dog from truly living.

"A ship in a harbour is safe but that is not what ships are built for" (John A. Shedd)

We are meant to be fully alive; to express ourselves in the most authentic way possible. Yet, so many of us (myself included at times) choose safety over adventure. We fear the unknown and cling to comfort, rather than trusting ourselves and embracing the full experience of life. The problem is that comfort and safety then become our own kind of cage.

So, dear reader, I ask you: where in your life are you playing it safe? Where do you need to step into a daring adventure? And what might be holding you back from doing so?

Need some help to get unstuck? Contact me to book an introductory 30 or 60-minute 1:1 session.






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