What my stubborn dog taught me about letting go

letting go life lessons
Image of a dog lying in a park

My dog Red (that's her the in the photo) is smart, cheeky, funny and very food motivated.

Each morning, we go down to the local reserve for a walk where she gets to play with other dogs, and I get to hang out with some canine-loving humans. 

The thing is, Red has a habit of stealing one of the other dogs' frisbees, and she won't let it go unless it's exchanged for a treat. She's smart that way.

On one of our morning walks this week, I watched Red wrestle with the decision on whether to swap the frisbee for a treat, and in that split second I recognised a dilemma from my own life being played out in her struggle.

I realised that to let something better into our lives, we have to be willing to let go of the status quo. We have to be willing to step out of the safety of the known and risk the unknown. And at times that can be terrifying. What if it's disappointing? What if it doesn't work? What if the 'known' was better and I'm making a huge mistake?

But here's the thing: to keep growing, learning and evolving we have to risk the unknown, especially if we're being called to something more. It's part of this wild, crazy adventure called life. I'm not talking about being reckless but there are times when we simply have to take a leap of faith. If we stay too long in safety we begin to atrophy. 

Red was holding up a big fat mirror to me on our walk this week and now, dear reader, I'm holding up that same mirror to you: where are you staying stuck in safety and what leap of faith or adventure are you being called to?


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